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Расположение: Дехен Кёлинг

Александр Жольен и Сара Коулман: Празднование наследия Чогьяма Трунгпы Ринпоче

Conducted in a retreat environment, this programme will include talks, обсуждение, meditation and contemplations.

Buddhist teacher Sarah Coleman will share experiences of learning from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, while philosopher Alexandre Jollien will contribute his experiences of how Trungpa’s teachings influenced and benefitted him.

Author of several books, including works co-authored with Matthieu Ricard and Christophe André, Jollien has long been interested in Buddhism and especially in the teachings of Trungpa. Нажмите здесь to see him speaking at a conference in Paris with Matthieu Ricard.


Practical Information

День прибытия (Saturday October 27): Вас приглашают прийти из 4 для того, чтобы записаться и заселиться в номер, пишите в личку. Ужин подается в 6.45 вечера.

Конец программы (Saturday November 2): Closing circle in the evening.

День отъезда (Sunday November 3): You may leave anytime (no programme). You’re welcome to stay for breakfast.

This programme is taught in French and in English, with translation.
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2024-06-01 09:13:13